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George Michael's ex Fadi Fawz arrested after he was allegedly caught 'smashing cars with a hammer'
George Michael's ex lover Fadi Fawz is arrested in flip flops | SWNS
Krawall-Klopper: George Michaels Ex Fadi Fawaz festgenommen - Fox News
George Michael's £5m home gets repaired after Fadi Fawaz was arrested for smashing the mansion 😯
Hero air hostess saves lorry driver's life by doing CPR on motorway following crash
George Michael falls out car- real foota
George Michael That’s not George Michael
#gemmaodoherty gets arrested 😂 🚨
Love and Flip Flops Hawaii: Carbonation Arrested
GTAV Caught the opp slippin!!!!! Smashing in the car
George Fitzgerald's A History of a Nation, part one.